This software includes the OPTION to install the following bundled applications: "My Search Bar" and "Comedy Planet". The installation is OPT-IN, so you can choose, in a following window, whether to install each of them or not. If you decide to install them you will also be able to remove them at will using the Install/Uninstall applet of Windows Control Panel, without removing this software. BOTH BUNDLED APPLICATIONS ARE SPYWARE-FREE AND NO REGISTRATION OR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR THEIR USE. Choosing to install those bundled applications implies you accept their own specific license terms reported hereunder: MY SEARCH (TM) BAR END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ============================================= IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BY CLICKING ON THE "SUBMIT", "DOWNLOAD", "I ACCEPT" OR SUCH SIMILAR BUTTON OR LINK AS MAY BE DESIGNATED FOR PURPOSES OF INITIATING THE DOWNLOAD OF THE MY SEARCH TOOLBAR SOFTWARE PRODUCT (THE "MY SEARCH APPLICATION") AND/OR USING THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION YOU AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THESE LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION IS A CUSTOMIZABLE BROWSER TOOLBAR WHICH ENABLES EASY ACCESS TO SEARCH RESULTS FROM THE BEST SEARCH ENGINES ON THE INTERNET IN JUST ONE CLICK. THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION IS ALSO HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE AND ALLOWS YOU TO CREATE YOUR OWN BUTTONS AND LINKS. IN ADDITION TO THE TOOLBAR, THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION ALSO ENHANCES YOUR BROWSER EXPERIENCE BY PROVIDING RELEVANT LINKS AND RESULTS IN RESPONSE TO MISSPELLED OR INCORRECTLY FORMATTED BROWSER ADDRESS REQUESTS. THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION IS SPYWARE FREE AND NO REGISTRATION OR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR USE. 1. License Grant Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, My Search (also referred to "we", "us" or "our") grants you a non-exclusive, revocable, limited license, to (a) download and install the most current version of the My Search Application (including all updates thereto) and (b) use the My Search Application(s) you download and install for your personal, non-commercial purposes. 2. License Conditions You may not rent, sell, lease, sublicense, distribute, assign, copy (other than a single copy for your own backup purposes), or in any way transfer any My Search Application or use any My Search Application for the benefit of any third party through any outsourcing or time-sharing arrangement or through the operation of any service bureau. You may not modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise discover the My Search Application, or attempt to do so for any reason. Further, you may not access, create or modify our source code in any way. You do not have the right to and may not create derivative works of the My Search Application. All modifications or enhancements to the My Search Applications remain the sole property of My Search. You understand that we, in our sole discretion, may modify or discontinue or suspend your right to access any of our services or use the My Search Application at any time, and we may at any time suspend or terminate any license hereunder and disable the My Search Applications. We reserve the right to add additional features or functions to the existing My Search Applications. When installed on your computer, the My Search Application periodically communicates with our servers. We may require the updating of the My Search Application on your computer when we release a new version of the My Search Application, or when we make new features available. You understand that we may require your review and acceptance of our then-current privacy policy and/or end user license agreement before you will be permitted a limited license for any subsequent versions of our My Search Application. You acknowledge and agree that we have no obligation to make available to you any subsequent versions of the My Search Application. 3. Ownership You acknowledge and agree that the My Search Application is licensed, not sold to you by Focus Interactive, Inc. d/b/a My Search. You acknowledge that the My Search Application, including all code, content, protocols, software, and documentation provided to you by My Search in conjunction with the My Search Application or our services are My Search's property or the property of My Search's licensors, and are protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademarks, patents and other proprietary rights and laws relating to Intellectual Property Rights. "Intellectual Property Rights" means, collectively, rights under patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret laws, and any other intellectual property or proprietary rights recognized in any country or jurisdiction worldwide, including, without limitation, moral or similar rights. You may not delete, alter, or remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice we have placed on any My Search Application. All rights not expressly granted hereunder are expressly reserved to My Search and My Search's licensors. "My Search", "My Search", and "My Search Hub" are trademarks of Focus Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4. Content and Infringement You understand that all content, including, without limitation all data, links, articles, search results, graphic or video messages and all information, text, software, music, sound, graphics or other materials ("Content") made available or accessible through the My Search Applications or our services, whether publicly available or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the entity from whom it originated. You understand and agree that by using an My Search Application, you may be exposed to Content that may be offensive, indecent or objectionable in your community. You agree to accept all risks associated with the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy or completeness of such Content. Under no circumstances will My Search be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions in any Content, or for loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted or transmitted via the My Search Application. We are not responsible for any content such as audio, video, text or any other, files owned by users of the My Search Applications. All of the My Search Applications are exposed to various security issues, and should be regarded as unsecure. By accepting this Agreement, you indicate that you understand, acknowledge and agree that by using the My Search Applications, you may be subject to various risks, including the exposure of data you have downloaded or have offered to share, and that you accept all such risk as solely your risk and responsibility. In addition, all content made available or accessed through the My Search Applications is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable laws including without limitation those relating to Intellectual Property Rights. This Agreement gives you no rights to such content. My Search respects and expects its users to respect the rights of copyright holders. On notice, My Search will act appropriately to remove content under our control that infringes the copyright rights of others. My Search reserves the right to disable the access to the My Search Applications and our services by anyone who uses them to repeatedly infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of others. If you believe that our services contain elements that infringe your copyrights in your work, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement at 5. Installation, Operation and Removal. The My Search Application does not collect any unique information about you (such as your name, email address, etc.). Further, the My Search Application does not: (i) collect or report back to My Search any information about sites you visit on the Internet; (ii) collect or "screen-scrape" any search queries or information that you provide to any web sites; (iii) serve pop-ups when you are on other websites; or (iv) collect or report back to My Search any data regarding your computer keystrokes or other data unrelated to the services the My Search Application provides. My Search may obtain unique information about you through use of the My Search Application or website only if you specifically and knowingly provide such information in connection with personalizing the My Search Hub (an Internet portal which may be linked to from the My Search Application) or if you contact My Search directly with a question or comment. In connection with the delivery of search services and content, the My Search Application does communicate with our servers and use cookies. All such activities are conducted strictly on a non-personally identifiable basis, as described in greater detail below. The My Search Application, in the course of processing a given search query, sends a request to our servers. This request includes the keyword query, time of day, browser type, default language setting, IP address, an anonymous unique ID, and a code which identifies the distribution source of the My Search Application used by you to conduct your search. If the search query is being generated as the result of a misspelled URL or search term entered in to the browser address bar, we also receive the misspelled URL address or search term. We use this information in order to properly process your search request. For example, this data provides us with: information on which language you prefer to use; aggregated click information for the purpose of ensuring that our search partners are appropriately compensating us; information that allows us to make accurate payments to our distributors; aggregated usage and retention information; and aggregated search query information for the purpose of further monetizing commercially oriented search keywords. Importantly, all information collected from a search query is recorded on a non-personally identifiable basis and is kept strictly anonymous. In addition, all information about search activity is evaluated only on an aggregated basis (except in response to a customer service inquiry or legal process), and we do not disclose any non-aggregated information to third parties, except as required by a valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order, or to protect someone's safety. My Search also uses "cookies". We do this for two reasons. First, we use the cookies to store a code designating a distribution source for each My Search Application. This information allows us to properly distinguish My Search Applications for purposes of compensating third parties who distribute our product and to analyze retention and usage on an aggregated basis. Second, the My Search Application uses cookies to store user preferences. For example, we use a cookie to record which search engine you have selected as your default provider. We do not use cookies to track your use of the Internet in any other way or to store any personally-identifiable information, and we do not disclose cookie information to third parties, except as required by a valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order or to protect someone's safety. The My Search Application also sends a configuration request when you start your browser. This request is approximately 5k in size and includes only anonymous data such as IP address, browser type, and information about the specific release date and distribution source of your My Search Application, as outlined above. Again, all of this information is kept strictly anonymous, is non-personally identifiable, and is used only for purposes of delivering search services and content in accordance with your preferences and providing us with data on an aggregated basis relating to retention, usage, and monetization. The My Search Application is also subject to the My Search Privacy Policy, located at If you wish to withdraw your consent to the communication and data usage as described herein, you should uninstall any and all My Search Applications from your computer. You may uninstall or remove the My Search Application at any time by using the Windows add/remove programs function to remove the "My Search Bar" and "Search Assistant - My Search" programs, or following the instructions listed on our website at You understand, acknowledge and agree that the My Search Application includes software that allows us to distribute updates and fixes. Such updates will occur only upon prior notice to you, except for the limited case where notice is not possible due to technical problems or an emergency that requires us to update the application in order to maintain existing functionality or to comply with the law. All such updates shall be governed by and made in compliance with this Agreement and the My Search Privacy Policy. 6. Your Obligations You represent and warrant that you are either the owner or an authorized user of the computer where the My Search Application is installed. The services described herein are subject to, and you agree that you shall at all times comply with, all local, state, national, and international laws, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances and the like applicable to use of the My Search services and My Search Application. 7. Access and Interference You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, other automatic or manual device or process to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of any of our My Search Applications, services or content, except to remove our My Search Applications from a computer of which you are an owner or authorized user. We reserve the right to investigate occurrences which may involve such violations, and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who have participated in such violations. You agree that it is your responsibility to install anti-virus software and related protections against viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other techniques that may have the effect of damaging, destroying, disrupting or otherwise impairing a computer's functionality or operation. 8. Electronic Signatures and Agreements You acknowledge and agree that by clicking on the button labeled "SUBMIT", "DOWNLOAD", "I ACCEPT" or such similar links as may be designated by My Search to download the software to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are submitting a legally binding electronic signature and are entering into a legally binding contract. You acknowledge that your electronic submissions constitute your agreement and intent to be bound by this Agreement. Pursuant to any applicable statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances or other laws, including without limitation the United States Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, P.L. 106-229 (the "E-Sign Act") or other similar statutes, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES, CONTRACTS, ORDERS AND OTHER RECORDS AND TO ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF NOTICES, POLICIES AND RECORDS OF TRANSACTIONS INITIATED OR COMPLETED THROUGH THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION OR SERVICES OFFERED BY MY SEARCH. Further, you hereby waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments or the granting of credits by other than electronic means. 9. Disclaimer of Warranty YOU ACCESS AND USE OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES AND ANY CONTENT AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR SERVICES OR ON OUR WEBSITES AT YOUR SOLE RISK. WE PROVIDE THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS AND THE CONTENT ON AN "AS IS," AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, CUSTOM, TRADE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, ACCURACY OF INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, SYSTEM INTEGRATION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY THIRD PARTIES ACCESSIBLE ON OR THROUGH OUR MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR OUR SERVICES. NEITHER WE NOR OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, THIRD PARTY VENDORS, FACILITIES, INFORMATION PROVIDERS, LICENSORS, NOR ANY EXCHANGES, CLEARING ORGANIZATIONS OR OTHER SUPPLIERS PROVIDING DATA, INFORMATION, OR SERVICES (EACH A "PROVIDER") MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY: (A) AS TO THE TIMELINESS, SEQUENCE, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, RELIABILITY OR CONTENT OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR MY SEARCH'S SERVICES OR ANY INFORMATION, SERVICE OR TRANSACTION PROVIDED THEREBY, OR (B) THAT THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR MY SEARCH'S SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE OR WILL OPERATE IN AN UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE MANNER, (C) THAT ERRORS OR DEFECTS RELATED TO THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR THE SERVICES WILL BE CORRECTED OR (D) THAT WE CAN IDENTIFY AND IDENTITY THEFT. WE ALSO DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR THE SERVICES OR THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SERVICES, IS APPROPRIATE, ACCURATE OR AVAILABLE FOR USE IN ANY PARTICULAR JURISDICTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. The above exclusions may not apply in jurisdictions that do not allow the exclusion of certain implied warranties. 10. Termination You may terminate this Agreement at any time by uninstalling and destroying all copies of the My Search Applications in your possession or control. We may terminate this Agreement, disable My Search Applications or cease providing any service at any time in our sole discretion. 11. Limitation of Liability YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT IN NO EVENT WILL MY SEARCH, ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, OR AFFILIATES OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS, SUPPLIERS, MERCHANT PARTNERS, ADVERTISERS, DIRECTORS OR AGENTS (EACH A "PROTECTED PARTY, COLLECTIVELY "PROTECTED PARTIES") BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF ARISING OUT OF, OR RELATED TO, THIS AGREEMENT OR TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY OR ALL OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS OR MY SEARCH SERVICES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS OR LOST OPPORTUNITY, GOODWILL, OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF MY SEARCH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES). SOLELY TO THE EXTENT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS, FOR ANY REASON, HELD TO BE INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE IN WHOLE OR IN PART, THEN MY SEARCH'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY, FOR ANY REASON AND FOR ANY CAUSE OF ACTION AND ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE SERVICES OR THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE LESSER OF DAMAGES ACTUALLY INCURRED OR THE AVERAGE REVENUE RECEIVED BY MY SEARCH PER USER OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION PER MONTH AS CALCULATED BY MY SEARCH BASED ON THE USE OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS (AND NOT OTHER PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED BY MY SEARCH) MULTIPLIED BY THE NUMBER OF COMPLETE MONTHS YOU HAVE BEEN A MY SEARCH APPLICATION USER. THE PROTECTED PARTIES ASSUME NO LIABILITY HEREUNDER FOR, AND SHALL HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO DEFEND YOU OR TO PAY COSTS, DAMAGES OR ATTORNEYS' FEES FOR, ANY CLAIM BASED UPON: (I) ANY METHOD OR PROCESS IN WHICH THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION MAY BE USED BY YOU; (II) ANY RESULTS OF USING THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION; (III) ANY USE OF OTHER THAN A CURRENT UNALTERED RELEASE OF ONE OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATIONS; OR (IV) THE COMBINATION, OPERATION OR USE OF ANY OF THE MY SEARCH APPLICATION(S) WITH THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS OR DATA. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, IN SUCH STATES OR JURISDICTIONS, OUR LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 12. Export Controls The My Search Application and the underlying information and technology may not be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Iran, Syria or any other country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using the My Search Application, you agree to the foregoing and you represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list, and that you will otherwise comply with all applicable export control laws. 13. Notice to Government End Users Any My Search Application, software and documentation hereunder downloaded or otherwise installed for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities ("U.S. Government"), is provided with Restricted Rights as "Commercial Items," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. section 2.101, consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and "Commercial Computer Software Documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. section 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. section 227.7202, as applicable. Pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulation 12.212 (48 C.F.R. section 12.212), the U.S. Government shall have only those rights specified in the license contained herein. The U.S. Government shall not be entitled to (i) technical information that is not customarily provided to the public or to (ii) use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation except as specified herein. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19, as applicable. 14. Applicable Law By accessing or using the My Search Application or our services, you agree that the substantive laws of the State of New York in the United States of America shall govern all matters relating to or arising from this Agreement, and the use (or inability to use) any or all of the services or the My Search Application, and that such laws shall apply without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Subject to the dispute resolution procedures set forth below, you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the appropriate State and Federal courts located in Westchester County, New York, with respect to all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the My Search Service, any My Search Application or the My Search Privacy Policy must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. 15. Arbitration Any claim or controversy arising out of or related to this Agreement, or the products or services we provide or distribute shall be settled by individual binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then effective. Any such claim or controversy shall be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated with a claim of any other party. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, and you further waive all rights to have damages multiplied or increased. This shall not preclude My Search from seeking any injunctive relief for protection of our Intellectual Property Rights. The arbitration shall take place in Irvington, New York or such other location as the parties may mutually agree. The arbitrator(s) shall issue a reasoned award, and any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator(s) will each be a natural person who has never been employed (either as an employee or as an independent consultant) by either of the parties, or any parent, subsidiary or affiliate thereof, and will be generally familiar with the business of the parties. The arbitrator(s) may upon request exclude from use in the arbitration proceeding any evidence not made available to the other party pursuant to a proper discovery request. The cost of the arbitration will be borne equally by the parties. The parties, their representatives, other participants, the arbitrator(s) and the administrator(s) of the arbitration will hold in confidence the existence, content and outcome of the arbitration. The parties understand that: (i) arbitration is final and binding on the parties; (ii) the parties are waiving their right to seek remedies in court, including the right to a jury trial; (iii) pre-arbitration discovery is generally more limited than and different from court procedures; and (iv) any party's right to appeal or to seek modification of rulings by the arbitrators is strictly limited. 16. Successor Agreements The terms of this Agreement may change from time to time. You should check back at the website regularly to determine if any material changes have been made. We will prominently post material changes on the My Search website at least 14 days prior to the effective date of the change and will also attempt to provide you with an on-line notice informing you when such material changes have been made to this Agreement, which notice shall contain an active link that you can use to view a web page containing or linking to the revised Agreement. You agree that your continued use of any My Search Application or our services after the effective date of any change to this Agreement will constitute your affirmative consent to this revised Agreement. If you do not accept such revisions, you must affirmatively indicate to us by e-mail to that you do not accept the successor Agreement and remove all of our My Search Applications from your computer and cease all access to and use of our services hereunder. Failure to remove our My Search Applications from your computer will be deemed an acceptance of the terms of the most current Agreement. 17. Order of Precedence This Agreement and any accepted successor Agreement governs your use of our My Search Applications and our services as described herein. To the extent that any provision of this Agreement, or any supplemental agreement offered as any part of any registration for additional My Search Applications or services, conflicts with any provision of other agreements between you and My Search or any of its related or affiliated entities, the terms of the then-current Agreement, shall, as to the specific subject matter of this Agreement, take precedence over the conflicting term(s) of that other agreement 18. General This Agreement, as modified from time to time as described above, and including the My Search Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and any other policies incorporated by reference, sets forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties. No delay or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of such provision by My Search or acts as estoppel against later enforcement. Subject to the terms of the Order of Precedence set forth above, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and My Search with respect to the specific subject matter addressed herein, and governs your use of the My Search Application and our services, superseding any prior agreements between you and My Search or its affiliates or related entities relating to such subject matter, but this Agreement may be supplemented by any other agreement you enter into with My Search or its affiliates or related entities pursuant to a registration to access additional software or services provided by My Search. You may not assign any of your rights or delegate any of your obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of My Search. My Search shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement due to any delay or failure of performance or interruption in the availability of the Services resulting directly or indirectly from any act of nature or other cause beyond the reasonable control of My Search. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of this Agreement remain in full force and effect. Sections 2-4, 7-15 and 18 of this Agreement will survive any expiration, cancellation or termination of this Agreement. The section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. The My Search Software and the Services are not intended for use by or availability to persons under the age of 13. IF YOU ARE UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE, YOU MAY NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL OR USE ANY MY SEARCH SOFTWARE AND YOU MAY NOT ACCESS MY SEARCH SERVICES. VERSION: 2.1 COMEDY PLANET END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT AND PRIVACY STATEMENT ============================================================== Because Comedy Planet Technology sends and receives data over the Internet from a user's computer for the purposes of delivering contents the following license agreement form must be displayed to the end user during installation process to ensure customer awareness: ----------------------------- Overall privacy statement We take your privacy seriously. Because we gather certain types of information about our users we want to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of that information. This privacy statement discloses the types of information we gather, how we use it, and how to correct or change it. These privacy practices apply to the Web site that you were viewing when you clicked through to this policy, which is operated by us directly, our partner, or our affiliate. What information does Comedy-Planet collect? Our primary goal in collecting personal information is to provide you with the best and most useful content and services. Because we derive revenue mainly from advertising, collecting information is essential to keeping our services affordable to users. We collect personally identifiable information when you provide it to us, such as when you register on our site, when you subscribe for a print magazine or an e-mail newsletter or when you register to use certain services. Several of the services that we offer on our site may require registration as a condition of use. Once you register, you are no longer anonymous to us. We may also receive information about you from other sources and add it to the information you provided to us. This personally identifiable information is limited to: 1. First and last name 2. Address, including street name & city (optionnal) 3. Email address 4. Telephone number (optionnal) What is Comedy-Planet's practice regarding cookies? Your Internet browser has a feature called "cookies" which stores small amounts of data on your computer about your visit to our site. You do not need to have cookies turned on to visit our site, although active participation in certain areas of our site may require cookies. Cookies alone tell us nothing about who you are unless you specifically give us personally identifiable information when, in which case we use the information to enhance your services in the ways described below. You may elect not to allow cookies to be collected by adjusting your settings on your browser. We use technologies, including electronic images known as Web bugs--sometimes called transparent GIFs, clear GIFs, or beacons--that allow us to track general user traffic patterns. We also automatically receive and record information from our servers and from your browser, including your IP address, the time of your visit to pages on our site, and information about pages you visited. Unless you have registered for one of our products or services, the information we gather through the use of tracking technologies cannot be matched with any personally identifiable information about you unless you have specifically given us personally identifiable information, in which case we use the information to enhance your services in the ways described below. We use cookies and tracking technologies in a variety of ways, including: · Keeping count of return visits to our site or our advertisers' or partners' site · Accumulating and reporting anonymous, aggregate (data collected in mass), statistical information on Web site and advertisement usage · Determining which features our overall user population likes best We allow other companies that are presenting advertisements on our site and, sometimes, in our newsletters to use tracking technology on your computer. We do not give any personally identifiable information to them as part of this relationship. Unless you visit the website of these companies and provide them with personally identifiable information about yourself, these tracking technologies tell those advertisers nothing about who you are. Our advertisers' use of tracking technology is subject to their own privacy policies. Privacy of children Our site is not directed to children under the age of 13. We operate our site in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and do not permit registration by, and will not knowingly collect or use personally identifiable information from, anyone under 13 years of age. This requirement is clearly posted during the registration process. Questions, comments Questions regarding this privacy statement, or regarding any other aspects of our Web site and software, should be sent via e-mail below or to our corporate offices at Bencorp Building High St. Box 2566 Antigua; Attention: Legal Department. We read every message submitted and try to reply promptly to every one. We may also file your comments to improve the site, or review and discard the information. Email : Terms of Use Your use of our Internet site or any of the products or services offered on that site (collectively, the "Services") is subject to these Terms of Use (these "Terms"). We may modify these Terms at any time without notice to you by posting revised Terms on our site. Your use of our site constitutes your binding acceptance of these Terms, including any modifications that we make. Some of the Services may be subject to additional posted conditions. Your use of those Services is subject to those conditions, which are incorporated into these Terms by reference. In the event of an inconsistency between these Terms and any additional posted conditions, the provisions of the additional conditions shall control. We have the right, but not the obligation, to take any of the following actions in our sole discretion at any time and for any reason without giving you any prior notice: 1. Restrict, suspend or terminate your access to all or any part of our Services; 2. Change, suspend or discontinue all or any part of our Services; 3. Refuse, move or remove any material that you submit to our site for any reason; 4. Refuse, move, or remove any content that is available on our site; 5. Deactivate or delete your accounts and all related information and files in your account; 6. Establish general practices and limits concerning use of our site. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for taking any of these actions. You understand and agree that our Services may include communications such as service announcements and administrative messages from us or from our partners and that these communications are considered part of the Services. You will not be able to opt out of receiving these messages. You also understand that our Services may include advertisements. Content On Our Site Our site include a combination of content that we create, that our partners create and that our users create. All materials published on our site, including, but not limited to, written content, photographs, graphics, images, illustrations, marks, logos, sound or video clips and flash animation, are protected by our copyrights or trademarks or those of our partners. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display or in any way exploit any of the materials or content or our site in whole or in part. If you would like to request permission to use any of the content on our site, please review our Copyright Notice and visit our Reprints & Permissions. You are solely responsible for all materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available on our site ("Your Content"). You certify that you own all intellectual property rights in Your Content. You hereby grant us, our affiliates, and our partners a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, nonexclusive, sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transfer, transmit, distribute and publish Your Content and subsequent versions of Your Content for the purposes of (i) displaying Your Content on our site, (ii) distributing Your Content, either electronically or via other media, to users seeking to download or otherwise acquire it, and/or (iii) storing Your Content in a remote database accessible by end users, for a charge. This license shall apply to the distribution and the storage of Your Content in any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive, indecent, objectionable or that is inaccurate and you bear all risks associated with using that content. We have the right, but not the obligation, to remove any content that may, in our sole discretion, violate these Terms or that is otherwise objectionable. Third-Party Site, Products and Services Our site contain links to other Internet site owned by third parties. Your use of each of those site is subject to the conditions, if any, that each of those site has posted. We have no control over site that are not ours and we are not responsible for any changes to or content on them. Our inclusion on our site of any third party content or a link to a third party site is not an endorsement of that content or third party site. We do not sell, resell or license any of the products or services that we review, list or advertise on our site, and we disclaim any responsibility for or liability related to them. Your correspondence or related activities with third parties, including payment transactions and goods delivery transactions, are solely between you and that third party. You agree that we will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any of your transactions with third parties. Any questions, complaints or claims related to any product or service should be directed to the appropriate vendor. Your Conduct On Our Site If we request registration information from you, you will provide us with true, accurate, current and complete information. You will promptly update your registration to keep it accurate, current and complete. If we issue you a password, you may not reveal it to anyone else. You may not use anyone else's password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your accounts and passwords. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your passwords or accounts or any other breach of security. You also agree to exit from your accounts at the end of each session. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may result if you fail to comply with these requirements. The technology and software underlying our site and the Services is the property of Comedy-Planet, our affiliates and our partners. You agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, reverse engineer, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right to the technology or software underlying our site or the Services. You agree not to modify the software underlying our site in any manner or form, or to use modified versions of such software, including (without limitation) for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to our site. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that you will not use our site to take any of the following actions: 1. Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal right of others; 2. Publish, post, upload, email, distribute or disseminate (collectively, "Transmit") any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful content; 3. Transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage or adversely affect the operation of another person's computer, our site, any software or hardware, or telecommunications equipment; 4. Advertise or offer to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose unless you have our written consent to do so; 5. Transmit surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, spam, unsolicited advertising or promotional materials, or chain letters; 6. Download any file that you know or reasonably should know, cannot be legally obtained in such manner; 7. Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material; 8. Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying any public area within our site; 9. Collect or store personal information about other end users; 10. Interfere with or disrupt our site, servers or networks; 11. Impersonate any person or entity falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; 12. Forge headers, manipulate identifiers or other data in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through our site, or to manipulate your presence on our site; 13. Take any action that imposes an unreasonably or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. 14. Engage in any illegal activities You agree to use our bulletin board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities and/or message or communication facilities (collectively, the "Forums"), only to send and receive messages and material that are proper and related to that particular Forum. Unauthorized access to our site is a breach of these Terms and a violation of the law. You agree not to access our site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Comedy-Planet for use in accessing our site. You agree not use any automated means, including, without limitation, agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access, monitor or copy any part of our site except those automated means that we have approved in advance and in writing. Use of our site is subject to existing laws and legal process. Nothing contained in these Terms shall limit our right to comply with governmental, court and law enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of our site. Requests To Remove Certain Content From Our Site If you believe that content you own has been copied and made accessible in a manner that violates your intellectual property rights, please review our copyright notice. Indemnification You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold Comedy-Planet, and all of our officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, information providers, affiliates, partners and licensors (collectively, the "Comedy-Planet Parties") harmless from and against any and all liability, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by any Comedy-Planet Party in connection with any claim including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, violation of rights of publicity and/or privacy, copyright infringement or trademark infringement arising out of: 1. Your use of our site; 2. Any use or alleged use of your accounts or your passwords by any person, whether or not authorized by you; 3. The content, quality or performance of content that you submit to our site; 4. Your connection to our site; 5. Your violation of these Terms; or 6. Your violation of the rights of any other person or entity. We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us and you agree to cooperate with our defense of these claims. Disclaimers We disclaim any responsibility for the deletion, failure to store, mis-delivery, or untimely delivery of any information or material. We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material on the Internet using search results from our site. We disclaim any responsibility for, and if you subscribe to one of our fee-based services you will not be entitled to a refund as a result of, any service outages that are caused by our maintenance on the servers or the technology that underlies our site, failures of our service providers (including telecommunications, hosting and power providers) computer viruses, natural disasters or other destruction or damage of our facilities, an act of nature, war, civil disturbance or other cause beyond our reasonable control. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT OUR SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. IN ADDITION, WE DO NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE CONTENT ON OUR SITE. OUR SITE AND THEIR CONTENT ARE DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS IS, AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. ANY MATERIAL THAT YOU DOWNLOAD OR OTHERWISE OBTAIN THROUGH OUR SITE IS DONE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK, AND YOU WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY POTENTIAL DAMAGES TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR LOSS OF DATA THAT RESULTS FROM YOUR DOWNLOAD OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL. NEITHER WE NOR ANY OF OUR PARTNERS MAKES ANY WARRANTY THAT (i) OUR SITE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, (ii) OUR SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, OR ERROR-FREE, (iii) THE RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF OUR SITE WILL BE ACCURATE OR RELIABLE, (iv) THE QUALITY OF ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, INFORMATION, OR OTHER MATERIAL THAT YOU PURCHASE OR OBTAIN THROUGH OUR SITE WILL MEET YOUR EXPECTATIONS, AND (V) ANY ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED. NEITHER WE NOR ANY OF OUR PARTNERS MAKES ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO OUR SITE, ANY CONTENT OR ANY OUR SERVICES, TOOLS, PRODUCTS OR PROPERTIES. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOU WILL ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF OUR SITE AND THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ITS CONTENT. NEITHER WE NOR OUR PARTNERS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE OUR SITE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN SUCH STATES, OUR LIABILITY AND THAT OF OUR THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Arbitration Comedy-Planet may elect to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms or our site by binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any such controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis, and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. The arbitration shall be conducted in Antigua, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Either you or we may seek any interim or preliminary relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in Antigua necessary to protect the rights or property of you or Comedy-Planet (or its agents, suppliers, and subcontractors) pending the completion of arbitration. Miscellaneous We may be required by federal law to notify you of certain events. You hereby acknowledge and consent that such notices will be effective upon our posting them on our site or delivering them to you through email. You may update your email address by visiting the Services where you have provided contact information. If you do not provide us with accurate information, we cannot be held liable if we fail to notify you. You have the right to request that we provide such notices to you in paper format, and may do so by contacting the General Counsel, Comedy-Planet, Bencorp Building High St. Box 2566, Antigua. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of our site or these Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. These Terms, including all terms, conditions and policies that are incorporated into these terms by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and Comedy-Planet and govern your use of our site, superceding any prior agreements that you may have with us. These Terms shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Antigua, and the parties irrevocably consent to bring any action to enforce these Terms before an arbitration panel or before a court of competent jurisdiction in Antigua if seeking interim or preliminary relief or enforcement of an arbitration award. If any part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the Terms shall continue in effect. Comedy-Planet's copyright notice All editorial content and graphics on our site are protected by Antigua copyright, international treaties and other applicable copyright laws and may not be copied without the express permission of Comedy-Planet which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of Comedy-Planet's editorial content and graphics for any purpose without Comedy-Planet permission is strictly prohibited. Permission to use Comedy-Planet content is granted on a case-by-case basis. Comedy-Planet welcomes requests. Please visit our Reprints & Permissions page to submit a request. DO NOT copy or adapt the HTML or other code that Comedy-Planet creates to generate pages. It also is covered by Comedy-Planet's copyright. As a regular part of our business, Comedy-Planet displays advertisements and product listings from a wide variety of companies. Comedy-Planet is not in a position to arbitrate disputes between companies who advertise or list their products on our site and the owners of intellectual property rights. As a courtesy to owners of intellectual property rights, we are willing to perform a limited investigation of reasonable complaints. However, we provide no guarantee that we will remove the allegedly infringing materials from our site. We encourage the owners of intellectual property rights who believe their rights are being infringed by a company who advertises or lists its products on our site to resolve their disputes directly with those companies. If you believe that your rights have been violated If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated by Comedy-Planet or by a third party who has included material on our site, please provide the following information to the Comedy-Planet designated copyright agent listed below: 1. a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; 2. a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site; 3. your address, telephone number and email address where Comedy-Planet can contact you and, if different, an email address where the alleged infringing party, if not Comedy-Planet, can contact you; 4. a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use is not authorized by the copyright or other intellectual property rights owner, its agent or by law; 5. a statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or are authorized to act on behalf the owner's behalf; 6. your electronic or physical signature It is often difficult to determine if your intellectual property rights have been violated. We may request additional information before we remove any infringing material. We may provide the alleged infringing party with your email address so that that person can respond to your allegations. If a dispute develops as to the correct owner of the rights in question, we reserve the right to remove your content along with that of the alleged infringer pending resolution of the matter. If your materials have been removed based on the complaints of another party Comedy-Planet will provide you with notice if your materials are removed due to alleged infringement of a third party's intellectual property rights. We will also provide you with the email address of the complaining party so that you may attempt to resolve the issue. We will restore your materials upon notification from the complaining party that the dispute has been resolved. If you believe your copyright material is being used on this web site without permission, please notify the designated agent at: General Counsel Comedy-Planet Bencorp Building High St. Box 2566, Antigua